Thursday, February 20, 2014

Zoo Island

Zoo Island was about a 15 year old boy who is most likely an immigrant from Mexico. When the weather is rainy and they don't have to work, Jose decides to take a census of the people that live in the plantation. He counts the people, and when they ask the old man that lives on the other side of the farm, their questions, he says they should call their community "Zoo Island." I think the reasoning behind this is that they feel like they are in a zoo because of their deplorable living conditions and the people that gawk at them, and the reasoning behind island is that they are somewhat cut off from the neighboring town and feel somewhat alone. I think the moral behind this story is that everyone in the world is equal and special. (Even the unborn babies counted as 1/2, and when one of the babies was born, it counted as an entire person.

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