The story At The Pitt Rivers by Penelope Lively, is narrated by a fifteen year old boy. This boy thinks that he knows a lot about life and love. He has an idea that people fall in love based on how they look. He thinks that it is very important on the way that people look. "All the girls I know-- at school or round where I live-- are either attractive or they're not if their attractive they have lots of blokes after them and if they're not they don't. Its as simple as that." He states that he always looks at girls to see if their pretty or not but he never talks about their personality's he is always talking about their physical appearance. He thinks that he is an expert at love because he had been in love twice. when he went out with a girl the best part was taking her home. he also liked to just think about her because he could make her what he wanted her to be. It is ridicules how he thought he was in love twice and decided that he was an expert at love.
When he was at the Pitt Rivers he sees this couple at the museum and starts to watch them. These people were not his idea of love. The boy was an old man and the woman was about thirty years old he didn't consider her beautiful or even pretty. When he saw her face he said that she almost glowed. This glow was love radiating off of her. At the end of the story the couple parts and he sees the pain and sadness in her face. When he rips up the poem he sees his observations and everything that he knows about love aren't accurate and then he just tears it up. He realizes that he is just fifteen and doesn't know what love really is and has to start over again. He says that he thinks that the couple will never see each other again. He also says that he learned something at the Pitt Rivers at the end of the story, that love could be different than what he thought of it.
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