Thursday, February 20, 2014

I think that the point of the census was to make everyone feel special and that ever person in the world counts and that everyone's special. even the unborn baby's counted as someone.


  1. what are we supposed to blog about zoo island????

  2. What am i suppose to write about Don Simon???

  3. I think the Census Count makes the people feel more positive because it makes them feel like a whole and a town. It also makes them feel like they belong in the world. One person or a worker said " I like having my name put on a piece of paper, like they said they're gonna do." " Tell me, when's anybody EVER asked you your name and how many people are in your family and then write it all down?" Another worker said " All they want ti know is how many people there are in this grove and I think they want us to feel like a whole lot of people." The Census Count made the nobody's feel like they really belong in the world and that they are people.

    Don Simon is a grumpy old man in the story, but he is also important. The reason he Don Simon is important is because he is the one that gave then name Zoo Island. He was mentioned towards the end of the story. During the Census Count the boys went over to go ask him the questions as the other people in the grove. I don't think he took the questions to seriously. He was also very mean to Stumpy, but I think Stumpy deserved to be punished because he had been riling Don Simon for sometime now about Don Simon's wife leaving him for somebody else, but Don Simon shouldn't have done that in the first place.

    The importance of Don Simon to me is his advice. The reason i think Tomas Rivera put Don Simon in the story is because he is quiet but violent. But that is not the entire reason. The entire reason i think Tomas put Don simon in the story is because he hardly ever talks so when he does everybody stops to listen. Like for example when he told Jose, Jitter and Hank something they stopped to listen to him. That is why i think Tomas Rivera put Don Simon in the story.

  5. THAT WAS JUST PARAGRAPH 1!!!!!!!!!!
