Friday, February 7, 2014


Here's the homework we went over in class!

Great Books – Day 1 Homework
Read Miriam again at home.
o   Note your favorite passage in the story.   Find ONE!
o   Mark places where you find something about Miriam disturbing, and then make a note about why you and/or Mrs. Miller find it disturbing.
o   Have at least one question for the class for next week for discussion.  Examples:
§  Why is Miriam so prim and proper and Mrs. Miller so drab?
§  Why doesn’t the man find Miriam in the apartment?
§  Why does Mrs. Miller do _____?
o   Log on to the blogspot that I have set up for the class.
o   Blog:   where you find something about Miriam disturbing, and then make a note about why you and/or Mrs. Miller find it disturbing.


  1. One of the things I found disturbing about Miriam is that she can get Mrs. Miller to do things for her. Another creepy thing is that she made the canary sing when he was in his cage with the cloth over it.

  2. One of the things I found disturbing about Mrs. Miller is that she bought almost exactly the same things, I mean treats, that Miriam wanted such as the almond cakes and the glazed cherries.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mrs Stephanie, do we blog on the account, or just comment?

  5. One of the things that I found disturbing about Miriam was that she broke the vase for no reason and that Mrs. Miller was buying what Miriam had requested when she came over. I found it disturbing when Miriam broke the vase because Mrs. Miller didnt't give her the cameo brooch, but there was no reason to do that.

  6. I am not sure what to blog about, but i liked the story because its a 15 year old boy having a desire to do something with his community. i also liked how he was going to put numbers on everybody's coop so they can write their coop number on the mail so he can deliver it to them.

  7. I'm not sure what to blog about either, i read the story and thought that it was interesting but i dont know what to blog

  8. What are we supposed to blog on?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think Don Simon's place in the story is too probably just put some spice in the story. I say this because his place in the story doesn't seem serious or dramatic, besides the part when he could of killed stumpy. Although, I do think his place in the story is to show that zoo island is not a wealthy place. Quote from the story, "By counting yourself, you begin everything. That way you know your'e not only here but your alive." Don Simon probably said this because the beginning of there island was at the starting point to grow because of the census count. This census count and the idea of making there island bigger was probably what made Don Simon open his mouth. Don Simon's place in the story is most likely to show how zoo is island not really wealthy. The three reasons why I think that Don Simon is in the story is to show that zoo island is not very wealthy at all or to spice up the story to make it interesting. I mostly agree that Don Simon is in the story to show that zoo island is not a wealthy place.
